Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gift of Giving Campain

I just read a post on Chris Pirillo's site about the Sears "Don't Just Give a Gift, Grant a Wish" campain. There is a contest where you can be randomly selected to win a gift set from him. To quote my comment entry
"I would love to receive the LEGO Wonderland package. I have always loved LEGOs and they helped me develop me love for computers and engineering. I could use the set to show anyone I know the joys of building and creating." This is a great thing that Chris has done to spread holiday spirit this year.

Pownce Closed

First off welcome to my little corner of the internet. I hope to fill it with my random collection of thoughts and other things that might appear. If for some reason you are reading this and want me to look into something specific leave a comment I will try to read any that do come in. On to why Im here.
I was going to check on my Pownce account today and found it was shutdown on the 15th. I was hoping to do a little Christmas blogging this year which is when I remembered I have a Google account and thus have a Blogger page also. So now I am going to try and blog on Blogger.
